APAKABARNEWS.COM – Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, inspected the Lebak Bulus and Kebayoran Lama skywalks, which play a role in supporting integration between transportation modes, especially in transit-oriented areas (TOD).
On that occasion, he who was accompanied by MRT Jakarta Director, Mohamad Aprindy mentioned that the skywalk would make connectivity affordable to facilitate residents to access public transportation and surrounding facilities.
“This morning, we’re grateful to witness the completion of the skywalk which was built between Lebak Bulus station and Point Square.”
“Thus, this is an example of connectivity being completed to facilitate Jakarta residents to carry out mobility activities. My hope is other places will imitate it,” he expressed, as quoted by Jakarta PPID’s press release, Tuesday 10 Oktober 2022.
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He also expressed his appreciation to the private sector for collaborating to build resident connectivity to public transportation. He hoped that the skywalk could facilitate and benefit the community.
“Specifically, I thank the Intiland Group, which is a partner in this development process, whose benefits will be felt by the community in general.”
“And this is part of the private sector’s contribution to the people of Jakarta for the benefits that come from this city, we appreciate it,” he explained.
Further, its existence was not just a facility for connecting public transportation with other facilities, but as an equalizing space and bringing an atmosphere of unity.
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“Then it is supported by an intersection area which is a project in several locations.”
“The revitalization is designed to be an equalizing space, one that unites, one that creates a feeling of togetherness,” he explained.
“So, we underline the importance of viewing public transportation not just moving bodies, but as an instrument that builds a feeling of togetherness and unity in society,” he stated.***
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